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 What it does


Sound is everywhere - it’s a reliable constant in our ever-changing lives. Sound can bring us joy, such as when we hear music or laughter. Sound can be part of the ambiance of a location: coffee machines, traffic noise, rain falling, chairs shuffling. Sometimes it is just noise. Either way, sound can be a problem when we’re trying to carry on a conversation. In that case, it gets in the way of hearing speech and prevents us from fully communicating and connecting.

Singular Hearing and HeardThat are here to solve these communication problems and help everyone join in the conversation.


To get a better idea of how HeardThat works, have a look at these demonstration videos:


 The problem

You Haven’t Heard This Before (Copy)
Illustration of background noise | HeardThat

Background noise of any kind can make it difficult to hear speech clearly. For many, it can make conversations impossible.

Illustration of how noise cancellation works | HeardThat

Most traditional hearing- assistive products are either amplifiers that make all sounds louder, including the noise, or noise-cancellation products that end up reducing all sounds, including speech.

Illustration of headphones and earbuds | HeardThat

Wearable devices are unable to provide the necessary resources to genuinely distinguish between speech and noise. They lack the necessary memory, battery life, and processing power.

Illustration of people in noisy environment | HeardThat

Technology that invites us back into noisy environments we found challenging or avoided altogether.

Sound wave illustration | HeardThat

Technology that can separate speech from noise  and deliver crystal clear conversations.

Mighty smartphone with hearing app icon illustration | HeardThat

Technology that is powerful, but can be used widely without extra devices or equipment.


 The solution


Using HeardThat is as simple as a few taps on your smartphone screen. Simply open the HeardThat app, lay your phone on the table, and listen as the speech is denoised and clarified. (Note: all processing is done on the phone and no audio data is sent to the cloud.)

The technology behind HeardThat, however, is a bit more complex. Rather than the traditional technique of trying to model sound, HeardThat takes a different approach: machine learning.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) | HeardThat

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is an advanced technology that uses AI (artificial intelligence) to help computers learn from experience to interpret data, rather than direct programming.

To create HeardThat, years of research resulted in neural networks that were trained with thousands of hours of recorded speech to learn what is useful speech and what is just noise. HeardThat doesn’t suppress noise, it separates it from the speech and discards it, leaving just speech with enhanced intelligibility.


HeardThat is different


Communicating in a noisy situation is a challenge for many people. The HeardThat team knew that to solve this long-standing problem, they had to break the mold and go in a new direction.

Mature couple enjoying conversation at coffee shop | HeardThat

HeardThat is speech-specific

Hearing devices are helpful in many situations, but they can amplify all sound, including noise. This doesn’t solve the “cocktail party problem.” Instead, HeardThat uses unique technology to enhance speech specifically and leave out  the rest.

Wired headphones earbuds and hearing aid | HeardThat

HeardThat lets you use the devices you already own

Rather than create an entirely new device, the HeardThat app makes the hearing devices you already own work better, simply by using the smartphone you already own.

Power of smartphone processor for hearing | HeardThat

HeardThat has power

Small devices simply do not have the processing power, memory, or battery life to provide a viable solution to these real-world social situations. Thankfully, your smartphone does. By connecting your earphones or hearing aids to your smartphone and HeardThat app, you have the power to hear more clearly in the presence of noise than you ever could before.