What do cars, phones, digital cameras, and hearing assistance have in common?

What do cars, phones, digital cameras, and hearing assistance have in common? They all started as imperfect technologies that have since become essential parts of our lives. What else is true about them? If you had used those early versions, you could have benefited greatly from them, despite their flaws.

It doesn’t have to be perfect to be good

When the first cars were invented, they were noisy and unreliable. The first mobile phones were bulky and had limited features. The first digital cameras had poor image quality.

But even early versions had benefits. Cars had more speed, range, and carrying capacity than horses. Mobile phones enabled communication on the go and they were available in case of an emergency. Digital cameras provided instant gratification, the ability to edit photos, and vastly greater storage capacity.

Of course, there are also some potential risks associated with adopting technology early. There might be more technical problems, and it may cost more. However, the potential benefits of early adoption often outweigh the risks.

How does this apply to hearing assistive technology?

Hearing aids have come a long way since the early days of ear trumpets but even today they don’t fully restore hearing. Should you wait until they do? No—you can wait forever for perfection, but in the meantime, you are missing out on the ability to stay connected and participate more fully in life. Hearing aids are a life-changing improvement for many and new advancements are making a significant difference.

AI is changing everything

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing hearing assistance in many ways. HeardThat uses AI on your smartphone to take the effort out of hearing when there is a lot of background noise, by separating speech from noise. It’s not perfect (there can be a bit of echo), but should you check it out? Yes! 

You can try HeardThat for free for 30 days with no credit card, no sign-up, and no obligation. People call it “magic!” and “an amazing app!” Join the thousands of people who are enjoying quiet conversations in noisy places today. Download HeardThat here.

Francisca Viana